Little Autumn Squirrel 🍂"Little squirrel out gathering In the autumn sun The leaves have tucked away your seeds But searching's half the fun." Laura Jaworski 🍂
Nature's Watercolor 🍂"Autumn is the time when Nature takes her watercolor to the trees." ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂
Within 💕Within: A gentle peace, A still that is sown, A light of the heart, A love that is home. ~ Laura Jaworski 💕
Mr. Gnome's Home by Laura Jaworski (@bugburrypond) 🍄"The storm has passed, it’s time for breakfast Stack the kindling, slice the bread Hang about, where’s Mr. Gnome? Why, he’s fast...
Divine Creativity ✨I have yet to find the perfect word to encapsulate it, so for now, magic will have to do 💖