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50 Fall Quotes to Celebrate the Beauty of the Season 🍂

“The leaves are changing; I feel poetry in the air." ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Softly, green gives way to gold

The summer warmth gives way to cold

And autumn winds begin to blow

Across the changing earth.” Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Autumn is the time when Nature takes her watercolor to the trees.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“An autumn breeze,

a string of words,

a star-filled sky—

all are poetry.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In the hazy days at summer’s end

When the air’s still warm and the green near spent

When the days grow short and the evenings tall

Then you feel in a whisper,


Laura Jaworski 🍂

“A little leaf

In a sea of green

Takes a breath, and poof, he’s yellow!

Then his friends join along

And begin Autumn’s song

All because of that brave little fellow.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“There are few things finer than a walk among the trees on an autumn day.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“What gold I have, I give to you

Words spoken by a world at play

And offered as the falling leaves

This bright October day.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Orange in the autumntime

Blossoms in the spring

Shelter for the animals

A perch for birds to sing

Stalwart in the colder months

In warmth, a rustling sea

Is there anything in all the world

More lovely than a tree?”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“There is no greater artist than a tree in autumntime.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“To walk among the falling leaves

And breathe the autumn air

And keep the company of trees

What thing could be more fair?”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“When summer greets autumn

They two, for a while

Conspire in whispers

Then part with a smile.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Each season promises beauty enough so as not to regret the former’s passing.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Little squirrel out gathering

In the autumn sun

The leaves have tucked away your seeds

But searching's half the fun.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“One breath of autumn is pure joy to the senses.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Come Autumn

Roll your red-gold wave


Across the good earth.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The warmth of summer ebbs

As Nature works her alchemy

Of changing green to gold

And costuming the autumn tree.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Leaves fall and the spirit soars.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In a burst of gold, comes autumn.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In autumntime

The fairies sit

Upon the leaves so patiently

Until the time

The wind comes by

And sails them from the trees.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The whistling winds are thrilling

The falling leaves, divine

And oh, how Nature paints the living earth in autumntime.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“It fluttered past an autumn tree

In yellow-gold it caught my eye

The last of summer’s fleeing warmth

A lovely little butterfly.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Autumn holds a wonder all its own.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The shuffle underfoot

The gently falling leaves

The chimneys puffing woodsmoke

That scent the frosted breeze

The pumpkins in their patch

The cornstalks growing tall

The landscape slowly changing garb

From green to gold—it’s fall!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“On a crisp October evening

In a cozy little patch

A chipmunk found a pumpkin

In a tuft of autumn grass

He built a door and windows

And a chimney made of stone

Then he hugged that little pumpkin

As he whispered, welcome home!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Sailing autumn leaf

The blue sky is your ocean

The wind is your wave.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The squirrels collect their nuts

The leaves take to the skies

We welcome bright, crisp evenings

And wave the warmth goodbye

The breeze begins to nip

The caps and scarves appear

How magical the world becomes

When autumntime is here.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“I would regret losing the warm green of summer were it not for autumn’s promise of gold.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Beautiful autumn

With no camera in sight

You’re captured by soul.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“There is great beauty in each season, but autumn has a pinch of something more.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Autumn went out walking

And with a brush in hand

She draped the trees in red and gold

And dressed the changing land

She painted leaf and garden

And made the cold winds blow

Till all the world lay steeped within

Her bright October glow.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The world

Bronzed in autumn

Breathes magic.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“When autumntime approaches, you can feel it

Like a distant call that’s sailing on the breeze

It’s a-comin’ ever closer with a paintbrush

And a yellow, red-gold palette for the trees

There’s a crisp, delightful coolness all around you

And a crinkle underfoot, as if to say

Let’s go strolling through the bright October sunshine

With the dancing leaves ahead to guide the way!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“No seams

No in betweens

Just gentle flow

When leaves begin to blow

And flowers grow

No distinctions

No parts

Just a year

Blending into

One work of art.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In her finest gold-tipped pen, Nature writes the poem of autumn upon the earth.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“There is something so wonderfully charming about a pumpkin.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Pumpkins grow when the world turns cold

And the trees match the orange of their patch

When the vines take their time in a glorious stretch

As they trail through the sweet autumn grass

With a wave of some magic held fast in the earth

All at once they sprout up from the ground

And I doubt that a sight filled with greater delight

O’er the whole of the world could be found.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Crisp, delightful, apple-scented autumn—oh, how I adore you!” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“I imagine the trees must enjoy autumn every bit as much as I do.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Autumn is a place where words fall short.

It is a magic that must be felt, breathed, experienced, and treasured.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂


when the trees shake loose their garments

and we bundle in our own.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In the quiet of a pumpkin patch

With the moon hanging high in the sky

If you listen close, you might just hear

The gnomes as they pass by

They’ll march along to an autumn song

That they sing oh-so-soft as they go

Then watch with delight at a magical sight

For oh, how those pumpkins will grow!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The gnome’s have gone out marching

For autumn’s here again

And all throughout the golden wood

They’re calling to their friends

Bring apples, pears, and pumpkins

And pile them at the gate

The leaves are skipping on the wind

It’s time to celebrate!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Up in the ol' apple tree

With the moon shining down through the branches

With a rickety ladder to climb

(But that's OK, I'll take my chances)

With a mug of my favorite cocoa

And a blanket that fits me just right

With a big slice of pie

Gazing up at the sky

On the very first crisp autumn night.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“I'd like to spend the night in a pumpkin patch

With the moonlight up above

And firefly lanterns hanging in the sky

With a scarecrow on the lookout

And a mound of hay to nestle in

I'd like to spend the night in a pumpkin patch

With a fire to keep us warm

Telling stories, and passing around

Apple cider and spiced cinnamon cookies


How I would like to spend the night in a pumpkin patch!”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“In the fall

A soft breeze

Through the trees

Turns the leaves

Into fireworks confetti.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Autumn is the soul of Earth made tangible.” ~ Laura Jaworski 🍂

“Close your eyes,

Breathe in autumn,


Laura Jaworski 🍂

“A little squirrel

Gathering in the sunshine

Autumntime is here.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

“The scent of cinnamon and cloves

Round pumpkins and crisp, sweet apples

A world turned ruddy in rich shades of orange and gold

Puffing chimneys, sweaters, warm drinks

And leaves, gently leaving one home for another—


Laura Jaworski 🍂

🍂 Happy Autumn! 🍂

“Nature is an alchemist,

gathering the last of summer’s green

and turning it to gold.”

Laura Jaworski 🍂

"Gold in hand is pleasant

A pocketful is nice

But autumn's gold holds such a worth

Each leaf is counted twice

So give me gilded woodlands

And gently falling leaves

I'd gladly forfeit opulence

For walks among the trees."

Laura Jaworski 🍂

"Oh that I could bottle fall

And make the magic last

Too rapidly the colors fade

The leaves depart too fast

But then, the winter snows will come

And afterward, the green

And so I'll treasure every step

And each breath in-between."

Laura Jaworski 🍂


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