“Meditation is a slow melt into love.”
Laura Jaworski

“Your every word,
your every thought,
your every intention is a gift to the world.”
Laura Jaworski

“Love is at once
the new shore and the known,
the journey and the home.”
Laura Jaworski

“Speak peace, and peace is born.”
Laura Jaworski

a gentle peace,
a still that is sown,
a light of the heart,
a love that is home.”
Laura Jaworski

“In whispers through the heavens
In soft wind through the trees
In particles of sunlight
In rising of the seas
In stillness and in silence
Where love and beauty teach
Listen child, oh listen
The soul of life, it speaks.”
Laura Jaworski

“Allow your heart to overflow with gratitude,
and so,
fill the world with love.”
Laura Jaworski

“With Love comes
a softening,
a gentleness,
a kindness,
a joy.”
Laura Jaworski

“Breathe daily for peace;
the goodness of your intention spreads light to the world.”
Laura Jaworski

“And Love said,
at the heart of all life you will find me,
at the heart of all life is my home.”
Laura Jaworski

“Let us come together in the spirit of love;
let us heal the world through peace.”
Laura Jaworski

“We are the healing;
we are the light.”
Laura Jaworski

“All that is good, we are.
Love and compassion radiate from our very being,
we need only remember.”
Laura Jaworski

“Gather lovely thoughts.”
Laura Jaworski

“All hearts beat in time with the beauty of creation.”
Laura Jaworski

“Oh, that I might walk kindly through life,
with peace in my heart,
and compassion for all.”
Laura Jaworski

“In a quiet moment,
when the truth comes,
Laura Jaworski

“Peace is a beautiful answer to any question.”
Laura Jaworski

“Lend your heart to the making of the world;
watch as it springs up in flowers.”
Laura Jaworski

“Look up;
Notice how the stars shine.
Look in;
Notice how the stars shine.”
Laura Jaworski

“We uplift the world
through kindness,
through creativity,
through light,
through love.”
Laura Jaworski

“Darlin’, you’re nothing but love in disguise,
when you smile you can’t hide it,
it shines from your eyes.”
Laura Jaworski

“We are light, ever-flowing;
we are wonder and knowing;
we are magic at play;
we are peace,
Laura Jaworski

“Floating gently down
The river of life
Over the waterfall
Into the ocean
Of infinite love.”
Laura Jaworski

"Close your eyes;
enter the infinite."
Laura Jaworski

“In the garden of the heart,
love sings.”
Laura Jaworski

“In the golden light-silence of the self,
what thought could form but love?”
Laura Jaworski

upon layer
upon layer of lessons,
and at the center of it all,
Laura Jaworski

“The further down my spiritual path I go, the less I am able to define.
When I turn inward, I find no words.
Only light;
only love.”
Laura Jaworski

“Your time is so precious;
you only have forever.”
Laura Jaworski

“To the rivers, the rocks
To the fish of the sea
To the moon
To the sun’s golden ray
To the insects
The people
All life and all hearts
To the earth
To the stars—
Laura Jaworski

“We are bound by naught but love
And love, in essence, knows no chain
It seeks no rung on which to climb
Nor accolade to gain
We are bound by naught, and so
We souls are free, and freedom calls
And this, our great and noble truth
Is deeply felt by all.”
Laura Jaworski

“With a million blessings upon your fingertips, touch the world.”
Laura Jaworski

“I am peace
I am love
I am light
I am soul
I am at once everything
And one part
Of the infinite whole
Laura Jaworski

“All life is a mosaic of light, and you, a brilliance throughout.”
Laura Jaworski

“All but peace is a game;
light is your essence,
love is your name.”
Laura Jaworski

“Wherever you stand shines light.”
Laura Jaworski

“You can not hold forever in your hand,
But you can feel it in your heart;
You can know it in your soul.”
Laura Jaworski

“Be brave,
Be kind,
Be honest,
Be true;
Remember these things are alive within you.”
Laura Jaworski

“Upward, upward
beauty grows
from seeds of love within the soul.”
Laura Jaworski

“There is only life
and each moment worth living
There is only love
and the joy in its giving.”
Laura Jaworski

“When morning time comes calling
And you wake to greet the day
Listen close to what it tells you
And to all it has to say
In the wind that whistles softly
And the songs the wee birds sing
In the trees and in your own good heart
There’s love in everything.”
Laura Jaworski

“Release all but the heart, and be free.”
Laura Jaworski

“Let us hold each other’s hearts with gentle hands.”
Laura Jaworski

“The sun shone out upon all life
From rock and tree to glistening star
And smiling, said to everything
You’re perfect as you are.”
Laura Jaworski

“The eyes see many things;
the heart feels all.”
Laura Jaworski

“Where goes the soul,
so goes heaven.”
Laura Jaworski

"Each peaceful breath
is a petal opening on the bud of humanity,
a bloom on the flower of life."
Laura Jaworski

“Live in your blessings;
breathe them in like wildflowers.
Give thanks to them through your peace,
your love, and your joy
as you greet each moment.”
Laura Jaworski

“One loving thought blesses the whole of creation.”
Laura Jaworski

there is peace to be found in the most beautiful of things:
the sound of birdcall,
a soft breeze,
And the eternal goodness of the soul.”
Laura Jaworski

“Shake free from sorrow,
like a coat you've worn too long into spring.
Leave it behind,
allowing life to do with it as it will
and walk, child
into love.”
Laura Jaworski

“Color, Light, Vibration, Joy—
these things are woven by the Divine.”
Laura Jaworski

“To all the things of earth and sky, give love.”
Laura Jaworski

“You are infinite light,
and beauty,
and love,
living in a human body for an exceptionally short amount of time.”
Laura Jaworski

“The beauty of enlightenment:
you need be nothing more than you are.”
Laura Jaworski

“Nothing you do in this life can diminish the beauty of your soul.”
Laura Jaworski

“Love purifies all things.”
Laura Jaworski

“Like raindrops falling in a stream, we must allow ourselves to return seamlessly to love.”
Laura Jaworski

“The soul is a garden of abundance and light.”
Laura Jaworski

“We are all lightworkers.”
Laura Jaworski

"What do I carry wherever I go
What will spring up from the seeds that I sow
What can I safeguard, create, and release
And offer each soul that I chance upon—
Laura Jaworski

"There is beauty in this moment
There is wonder in this day
There is truth in life eternal
And a light to guide the way
There is goodness all around us
There is joy in each sweet soul
There is love in every fragment
And each fragment makes the whole."
Laura Jaworski

“In every experience, a lesson.
In every lesson, love.”
Laura Jaworski

“The world has come calling, O Soul
And so, will you answer it?
So, will you go?
And set out to learn what you already know?
The world has come calling, O Soul.”
Laura Jaworski

“Walk in peace,
breathe peace,
foster peace—
these are the steps to heaven.”
Laura Jaworski

“Drink the beauty of the day.”
Laura Jaworski

“What is fleeting?
What is passing?
Only illusion.
What is lasting?
What is eternal?
Only love.”
Laura Jaworski

“Sailing over rock and grass
O'er woodland stream and mountain pass
There is no thing with more allure
That holds more worth or essence pure
From soul to sun and starlit night
And unto life eternal—
Laura Jaworski

“I meet myself at the end
never having left the beginning;
I fall in love with the love
that has always been me.”
Laura Jaworski

“Give yourself to silence,
And the whole of Joy will find you.”
Laura Jaworski

“Call on the light of your inner-being and all darkness will disappear.”
Laura Jaworski

“The mind may search and wander
The body, yearn to roam
But oh, the stillness of the soul
Will ever guide you home.”
Laura Jaworski

"Let truth be the light by which we tread;
let peace be our pathway to heaven."
Laura Jaworski

“Child of the light,
you have come to bring heaven to earth.”
Laura Jaworski

“To peace,
to love,
to joy;
on this day,
and evermore.”
Laura Jaworski
Namaste 🙏💕